La Biosthetique Visarome Dynamique B


Natural aromatherapy complex stimulates dry scalps, releases metabolic blockages, boosts the circulation and thus creates optimum hair growth.

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La Biosthetique Visarome Dynamique B

An active metabolism is the right prerequisite for a functioning scalp. Lack of circulation leads to a weakened metabolism and tired sebaceous glands. The scalp reacts with dryness. High time for new energy. Thanks to the La Biosthetique Visarome Dynamique B aromatherapy complex, the scalp’s vitality is restored. Purely natural and spicy essential oils from rosemary needles, lavender blossoms, geranium blossoms, sandalwood, parsley and carrot seeds particularly effectively boost the scalp’s circulation and release everyday blockages. The scalp’s natural functions are activated thanks to the balancing aromatherapy complex. The hair shines with vitality and is able to beautifully develop and grow again. Visarome Dynamique B gives the scalp new strength and brittle hair transforms into a glorious mane. The fine scent of exquisite oils invites you on an olfactory journey. It emanates dynamism and mobilises your energy. La Biosthetique Visarome Dynamique B energises hair, scalp and soul.

Main Ingredients

  • Natural essential oils from rosemary needles, lavender blossoms, geranium blossoms, sandalwood, parsley and carrot seeds: stimulates the scalp’s circulation and metabolism
  • Borage oil: supplies the skin with essential fatty acids


Several times a week, distribute 1 to 1.5 pipettes Visarôme Dynamique B on to points of the scalp and then lightly massage in with your fingertips.